One Simple Method for Being a More Proactive, Efficient Leader

One Simple Method for Being a More Proactive, Efficient Leader

One Simple Method for Being a More Proactive, Efficient LeaderKay Kotan
Published on: 21/05/2024

As a leader, do you ever feel like you are more reactive than proactive? What systems are in place to ensure important tasks are not forgotten? What type of annual training is conducted for incoming leaders each year? While all these questions may sound daunting, once the systems are in place the organization will run much smoother and way more efficiently and effectively. Leaders will be better equipped to lead proactively rather than reactively. This method of leadership is not only less stressful, but it is also more effective and models healthier leadership practices.

Church Leadership
Here is Why Strategy and Intentional Planning Really Do Matter

Here is Why Strategy and Intentional Planning Really Do Matter

Here is Why Strategy and Intentional Planning Really Do MatterKay Kotan
Published on: 15/08/2023

It is the first church council or board meeting of the year. The leaders certainly desire the church to head in a positive direction in the upcoming year. How will

Church LeadershipAdministration
Strategic Ministry Planning

Strategic Ministry Planning

Strategic Ministry PlanningKay Kotan
Published on: 04/10/2022

We blinked and it was summer and now the crisp fall season is in full swing. Before this season slips away, be sure your leadership makes time for the critical

Church LeadershipMinistry